
Individual Project for CS2103 Software Engineering

Project maintained by cutieprobe Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide

Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have Java Version 11 installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest jar file here.

Working Screenshot

working screenshot


  1. Manage tasks
  2. Customize commands

Feature 1: Manage Tasks

Add, remove, search and view various types of tasks to manage your daily life.

Feature 2: Customize Commands

Add customized shorter aliases for commands to enjoy more efficient typing.


todo - Add a todo

Default alias: t

Add a new todo task.

Example of usage:

todo kfc interview

Expected outcome:

     Got it. I've added this task:
       [T][✘] kfc interview

deadline - Add a deadline

Default alias: dd

Add a new deadline task.

Example of usage:

deadline Duke project /by 30/09/2019 23:59

Expected outcome:

     Got it. I've added this task:
       [D][✘] duke project (by: 30/09/2019 23:59)

event - Add a event

Default alias: e

Add a new event task.

Example of usage:

event GER1000 meeting /at 02/10/2019 14:30

Expected outcome:

     Got it. I've added this task:
       [E][✘] ger1000 meeting (at: 02/10/2019 14:30)

list - List all tasks

Default alias: l

List all tasks in the task list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

     Here are the tasks in your list:
          1.[T][✘] duke project
          2.[D][✓] kfc interview (by: 01/10/2019 23:59)
          3.[E][✘] eat ice cream (at: 01/10/2019 04:00)
          4.[T][✘] gym! gym! gym!

done - Mark a task as done

Default alias: dn

Mark an existing task as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

     Nice! I've marked this task as done:
     [T][✓] duke project

delete - Delete a task

Default alias: de

Delete an existing task.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

     Noted. I've removed this task:
     [D][✓] kfc interview (by: 01/10/2019 23:59)

find - Search for tasks

Default alias: t

Search for all tasks matching the keyword.

Example of usage:

find meeting

Expected outcome:

     Here are the matching tasks in your list:
          1.[E][✘] ger1000 meeting (at: 02/10/2019 14:30)

bye - Exit the application

Default alias: b, exit

Exit the application.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

     Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

alias add - Add an alias to a keyword

Default alias: aa

Add an alias to a command keyword.

Example of usage:

alias add ls list

Expected outcome:

     "ls" is now mapped to "list".

alias delete - Delete an alias

Default alias: t

Delete an alias so that it is no longer mapped to its keyword.

Example of usage:

alias delete l list

Expected outcome:

     "l" is no longer mapped to "list".

alias view - View an alias

Default alias: t

View an alias and the keyword mapped it is mapped to.

Example of usage:

alias view t

Expected outcome:

     "t" is an alias for "todo".

alias list - List all aliases of a keyword

Default alias: al

View all aliases mapped to a keyword.

Example of usage:

alias list bye

Expected outcome:

     Here are the aliases for "bye":
     b, exit

alias all - List all aliases and their keywords

Default alias: aall

View all aliases and their respective keywords.

Example of usage:

alias all

Expected outcome:

     Here are the available aliases (left) and their mapped keywords (right):
     "aa": "alias add".
     "aall": "alias all".
     "ad": "alias delete".
     "al": "alias list".
     "av": "alias view".
     "b": "bye".
     "dd": "deadline".
     "de": "delete".
     "dn": "done".
     "e": "event".
     "exit": "bye".
     "f": "find".
     "l": "list".
     "t": "todo".